Friday 23 November 2012

Shooting from the hip whilst not to being a hip(ster)

Off-piste in Whistler, BC

It's been a week or two now of wind, rain, rain, some beautiful sunshine and a little bit of a chill back here in the UK. During the general chaos of life and the cold I have just managed to get the photos from my stateside trip off of the iPhone. That is finally off after a lot of confusion as to why it could possibly be so difficult.

Maybe that's a little plea from me to Apple to stop making me update everything all the time just so I can function - that's why I don't use Windows!! Moving on..

iPhone finally downloading!

There are 1167 photos and a few videos in total from start to finish and it's amazing that the phones still in one piece. Especially considering the other trips it's dealt with this year and a few big memorable bangs. You know the ones that make you freeze in an awkward position before recovering the phone.

On top of that theres a whole bunch of video clips from Tahoe, CA which I had to upload to a server over some pretty sketchy wifi after the phone informed me it wouldn't be able to function with no hard drive space. Once that was taken care of it was back to the business of recording my trip with a device I didn't ever think I would embrace in such a big way.

I took a bag full of different cameras to the US to record this trip but as I departed for my first ride on the Backbone Trail overlooking Los Angeles there only one was in my pocket - my phone. It doesn't have the best lens - in fact I would go as far as saying it's crap in comparison to any real camera but it doesn't really matter because it's my phone and it fits unobtrusively in my pocket.

Santa Cruz, CA trails with the excellent Cody as host - damn that kid can ride - and hell those trails are sweet!

You see I really do love riding my mountain bike and when I'm whizzing past trees as fast as I possibly can it really focuses my attention to the task at hand. I'd even go as far as saying it's a bit like meditation for me because all of life's worries and everything that isn't concerned with the right now is filtered out - it's just riding.

That said I can think of lot's of things that would ruin a good ride from the standard puncture to that nagging gear adjustment that probably means you've bent something. More annoying than that is carrying extra weight with you on your ride. When I ride in the UK I try to ride with just the clothes on my back but if it's a long jaunt or it's the sweltering US heat then a small cambleback will suffice with water and a few essential tools. The last thing I want to be carrying with me is an SLR with a few lenses and a tripod - because then I would be muling camera gear around on my bike - not riding.

So for this reason and the fact that the gps saved my lost ass more than once the iPhone is a saviour and I will be putting together a piece with all of the images as soon as I dig out the flash cards from the stuff I did shoot on the 5d and the 30 or so rolls of assorted 120 I got through on the Mamiya. Yep it's time to get busy in the darkroom.

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