Tuesday 28 February 2012

Tusker, Tanzania and a Tree.

Looking out onto the Indian Ocean from Dar Es Saleem, Tanzania.

I'm sat in my hotel in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania wondering whether I should head back downstairs and grab another beer or whether I really need to wake up early in the morning... I'm writing this post in a place I never envisaged even visiting let alone working in and to tell you the truth I'm really enjoying it.

I didn't really know what to expect but after my recent visits to Bangladesh I was a little sceptical about travelling in general by now. Our Bangladesh trip finished up with more flights than comfortable to get to the northern tip of Indonesia just purely so that I could feel really ill and visit a doctor (I think). Since then I'd had a few days to move house in Bristol before travelling to London for some work, a weekend in Norway (ok that was a fun visit..) and a week working in Birmingham just as a sort of icing on the cake affair. All I really wanted to do was sleep..

End of the day light catches the sand on the beach in Dar.

I've been in Dar Es Salaam for three days now though and I like it. The people are very friendly, the view of the Indian Ocean is beautiful, the light is gorgeous and the beer is cold. What's not to like. Of course I am here doing some work here and I suppose that was what I was most worried about. It's always possible to deal with stuff if your just on a trip by yourself with mates but when you have a job to do and the travel, the accommodation, the food etc..isn't easy it just makes your work really hard. I gotta say though that's hasn't been a problem here and everything's been great - even the food (touch wood..no really touch wood).

I haven't really had much time to explore yet and I don't know if I will as we have a tight schedule in the days but here are a few pictures of what I saw today.

Georgina's shoes infront of the pool where we're relaxing with a well deserved beer after day 1 of training.

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