Friday, 28 May 2010

more than one classic and a definite failure..

No the wood-chip isn't the classic. It is and was a monumental failure. Unless it's task was to annoy people the world over...success. However the concorde and this picture.. Well some pictures just go around and around so I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw this hanging today as I was busy photographing something else. I know I have seen this many times at the photographers own house, and the agency it was produced at...many times..

This one's for George's Dad - nice nose job..

Thursday, 27 May 2010

shaking bones..

Just prepping my new desk drawers and some gear for tomorrow. Will be heading out with a good friend and a genius creator. George set out to create a place to ride and now that place is the place to ride. Going to be spending some time with him and the locals at his spot. I will probably take a copy of the latest - and first ever - bone shaker magazine. It looks great and is a new bike magazine - check it out at Nice to see a different direction of photographs, writing and was all getting a little stale.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Just saw this over on the howies blog - looks like bps cleanup is not going well. Crazy plan number three to stop the leaking is just about on us and whoever thought the dispersant was a good idea must be in sales...and making a profit. I guess riding the bike today is a good start. It's a pity the country who this is going to effect the most isn't doing the same..

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

americas addiction to signs..

I have never seen so many signs as on a recent trip to Florida. I was fascinated by the sheer number - so much so that I, despite the heat decided to venture outside - and inside - and inside my apartment for that matter with a camera to document this strange and not yet british approach to pre-whining about stuff. I even had some real face to face 'no no no' as I strutted into the sun of the car park. A car pulled off the road and circled the car park slowly as I took a few shots. A resident looking for the right spot I think, I mean why squeeze in when you can drive to another spot - this is not euro parking. A man exited said vehicle and headed in my direction and preceded to ask why I was taking pictures. I was particularly interested in his question "do I study signs?" after informing him I was taking pictures.. He seemed happy enough when I showed him where I was staying but I felt like a trip to the local sheriff may have ensued had I been my usual helpful self. The best part was when he hopped back in the car and drove back off down the road - not a residnet - just a helpful local - a cop - a weirdo - a busybody. He was probably just thinking there should be a sign that says 'NO PHOTOGRAPHY' or 'NO BRITS' as I thought about how he was crazy.

As I started to my photographs I had taken of a whole bunch of signs I had seen I wanted to take a look and see if anyone had written about it so i head to google...'americas addiction to signs'....enter.....

i didn't find anything about signs in the sense that i was trying to find. sure i found a whole bunch of people talking about signs of drugs, porn, shopping, jane's (now theres a good band), war, teens and oil...yup

but no sign signs


As the excellent Bristol Festival of Photography continues this week I am untangling the web of bikes in the bike shed and heading out to take a peek. With over one hundred events on over the next few weeks it really is something to go and check out. It's all very diverse including open studio events, talks, slideshows and your run of the mill hanging prints on a wall.

Anyway heading off now into town to see what I can see and will be blogging about my experiences around town over at the life.still blog keeping the spirit of the bfop and life.still alive..

And just incase you were wondering - life.still features work from five homegrown photographers...

The excellent Bristol based Tamany Baker. A Sony award winning photographer she is showcasing her unique shrine like images of her pets presents.

Gina Lundy, who works with Knowle West Media in Bristol and is presenting a before and after of a local school turned academy.

Rebecca Harley presents a beautiful selection of B&W prints with text alongside delving into peoples hopes and dreams.

John Angersons series of large format prints explore the journey taken JB Priestley in his book 'An English Journey'.

Oh - and finally my work 'A Journey from Here to There' exploring the lesser scene everydays of Bristol's Gloucester Road.

Go and check it out!

Sunday, 23 May 2010

flashcube and life.still

The life.still exhibition that I have been involved with in Bristol is taking part in the flashcube event in Bristols legendary Cube cinema tonight. We have 25 minutes of slideshows from the life.still open slideshow submissions showing on the big screen. Come down!!

It also says we should be taking an exposed film for the film swap - hmm what can I dig out...and taking a 6x4 print for the wall to become part of Cube history..

For more details head to or

And don;t forget to head to the 2nd floor gallery, howies in Clifton, Bristol this week. I am exhibiting work from my 'A Journey from Here to There' series. Head to for more info..

Friday, 14 May 2010

life.still exhibition

condo time...fl

I hope anyone who is anyone will be coming along to the life.still exhibition in Bristol toward the end of May. Iw ill be showing my series of photographs from the Gloucester Road along with four other photographers pieces. There is also an open slideshow event taking place which anybody can take part in - there are more details at or see the flyer below.