I'm pretty passionate about my food, everyone else's food and the way we go about sourcing it. I think it's important to be responsible as we go through our lives taking photos or doing whatever it is that we do, responsible for our environment and the things we share it with, namely other humans and all those animals which provide a hell of a lot of our food. Even the plants, we should respect them too. They work their asses off for us keeping us all alive with their wonderful nutrients and all that oxygen they provide.
I can't help but get a little depressed sometimes when I realise that there are a lot of people out there who are not really that bothered about the next tree that's getting cut down as long as they have the latest flat screen tv. Not worried about an animal that's literally dying on it's feet to feed us along as they can read all about the poor thing on their shiny new iPad. Not scared to eat food that contains crap more crap and more crap because it tastes sooooo good. And just generally not bothered if we destroy our planet and disrespect every living thing on it as long as they can get everything cheaper, bigger and better.
This notion was revived in me the other day when watched the film - Food Inc. It was so good, so moving, so interesting and sad all at the same time I ended up watching it twice in one day. Ok once was on the train back from London but even then I had to fight back my emotions a little bit. When I arrived back I couldn't help but tell everyone I met to watch it and learn something, so I ended up watching it for the second time. Just as good, just as scary, just as disturbing.
Now I know a lot of people are not into watching documentary films about food nowadays, mainly because a lot of people have told me so. And whether that because they just aren't entertaining enough, aren't filmed in glorious HD or because they don't have Brad Pitt telling you to be nice to the world in them, I'm not sure. I have a feeling though that it's because people just don't want to hear the truth about the way their food is produced because it so bloody disgusting. And if they don't watch it they can ignore it for a bit longer. Well I want to see it all so I can make my choice with the food I buy and be responsible for the animals I eat and the way they have lived their lives.
Anyway my point was to tell you to go and watch the film, but I'll bring it back round to photography seeing as though I'm a photographer and all that. A point brought up in the film was that some US states were considering laws to be passed that would stop photographs being taken of industrial food processes. In Florida this year Senator Jim Norman put this bill forward
"[a] person who photographs, video records, or otherwise produces images or pictorial records, digital or otherwise, at or of a farm or other property where legitimate agriculture operations are being conducted without the written consent of the owner, or an authorized representative of the owner, commits a felony of the first degree."
So if that was passed..it wouldn't be good for the transparency of the food system, or for investigative journalists/photographers...jail anyone? Bit scary though really that people go to such lengths to hide the very stuff that we eat three times a day.
Scary. Go Watch it.
If we need to end on a positive note, and I feel like we really should. It's so easy to buy good food that doesn't harm others around you, and you can start with your local humble and very great baker. Thankfully mine is amazing and here is a picture of Harts Bakery in Bristol. It's actually not even around at the moment and I'm making my own bread - it's really easy, really satisfying and only has water, flour and salt in it... not human hair like some bread..really that is a bit gross